When you want to look more beautiful then the beauty of the hands is also an important thing to be considered. You should take proper care of your hands, fingers to make hands beautiful. Beautiful hands are essential if you want to wear sleeveless tops, tube tops, halter neck tops and t-shirts with small strips. Your hands are exposed in these clothes and so you will have to maintain them well enough if you want to wear these types of clothes and look attractive.
Here are some hand-care tips:
- It is important to protect your hands from sun rays as they affect badly on the skin. So, whenever you are going out where you can come in contact with sun rays, you should wear gloves to protect your hands. You should also put on some good sun screen lotion whenever you are out.
- Especially in winter season, our skin is intended to become dry and rough. So, you should make sure that you put on good moisturizer on your hands to make them soft. As they become soft and tender they will look beautiful and you can get a chance to expose them. You can try this on in summer season too.
- Wearing gloves at home whenever doing some household chores is also important. When we wash utensils or clothes or clean the house or chop the vegetables, dust particles or germs do sit on the hands and make them dirty. Along with this there is fear of nails getting broken. So, it is necessary that you should put on rubber gloves so that any chemicals won’t affect your skin.
- If you are not fond of having big nails, then you should clip them off regularly. Big nails with dirt, doesn’t look good. But if you like having big nails, then you will have to take care of them. If they become extra big then you should cut them in good shape and then you can polish them too. You will have to make sure that dirt and germs don’t get accumulated in the nails.
- Don’t get a habit of biting your nails. Along with this being a bad habit, it also makes your nails look ugly and uneven in shape. This untidy look of the nails leads to bad look of your hands. So, if you want to have beautiful hands then you should not bite your nails.
- Getting a manicure for the nails is the best option for getting pretty hands. Massage is done to the hands and proper care is taken for the nails. If you want beautiful hands then you should at least do manicure once a week. It is simple and can be done at home there is no need to go to a salon every time.
- Massage done on hands at night leads to very good condition of skin of hands. So before going to sleep you can massage your hands with some good moisturizer.
- You can use tomatoes or lemon-juice mixed with rose-water and glycerin for massaging the hands regularly.
- You should wash your hands now and then. This helps in removing dirt from your hands. Make sure you use gentle soap while washing hands because if you use a harder one than it will remove all natural oils from the skin and make it dry.
- Most important thing is that if you have got any kind of infection then you should treat your hands immediately. You should do the same if you notice any kind of injury. This will protect your hands from getting more infected.