Nail art is doing something creative like making designs, attaching jewels or gems on your nails. Mostly nail art is done on fingernails. It is a fun idea to play with your nails and to decorate them so that they appear more beautiful. Nowadays, as the nail art is becoming a trend, many kinds of designs and color patterns can be thought of for portraying on our nails. Nail art is a creative work, where one can let their imagination fly. Ready made nail designs are also available. You can take inspirations by checking out some of them and then try to get that kind of design for yourself. Everyone around you will surely get impressed with your nail art if you do it nicely and select a design properly.
You can make simple designs such as stars or flowers on your nails. If your name is five-letter word then you can print letter by letter on each nail. There are many other styles/designs too which can be used to decorate your nails. If your nails are long, soft and smooth then nail art would look more beautiful on it as for longer nails there are more designs available and also many new designs can be thought.
Before applying a nail art, it is necessary that first you should clean your nails and also make sure that they should be in proper shape. Remove any nail polish stains with the help of a nail polish remover to make them clean. To get good shape for nails, you will have to cut them and then file them. Now you can start the nail art. To start applying nail art, first step is to paint your nails with base coat twice. One should also allow certain time gap between two coats. I assume that you would have imagined a good design by now. The next step is to implement that design on your nails. Always keep cotton in reach if by chance any mistake does happen. You can use cotton and nail polish remover to clear out the mistakes.
There are many methods to draw the design. Methods can be like using nail stencils, nail stickers and nail pens. Nail art stickers is the easiest method to implement the design on your nails. Stickers of different kinds like butterfly, pumpkin, hearts, stars, dots etc are available. You can choose any sticker according to your personality. According to festivals also, nail art stickers can be chosen. Nail art sticker adds creative look to your nails.
In nail art stencil method, a stencil is being kept on the nail and an airbrush gun is used to paint the color on the top of the stencil and thus leaves behind a perfect image. If any spray leaks out from airbrush gun, then it can be removed with the help of nail polish remover. Nail art stencil is also known as Airbrushed nail art.
Nail art pen method should be used by them who have good imagination and drawing skills as the image they would want has to drawn on nail by the pen. Generally this method is been done at nail salons as it is an art for the experts. If you are not good in drawing then also you can use this method by using toothpick instead of a pen. Any freehand drawing can be prepared by using toothpick and a pen. Therefore, this nail art is also known as Freehand nail art.
Add-on items like jewels, gems, crystals can be used as decorating items for the nails. To get shiny effect, glitter and sparkle can be used. Thus, nail art enhances the appearance of your nails and makes them look more beautiful.