Handbags are the most essential part of your personality. They reflect your personality and your style. So everyone wants that her handbag must be unique and unparalleled.
There are many types of handbags are available in market and anyone can choose one of them according to need. Like working women like a huge bag because they need to put their documents and lunchbox in it. On the other hand if you want a hand bag for party purpose you would want that it is stylist and short.
When you want to buy a bag one important thing for consideration is your height and physic. Because if you are thin and use a short bag it will make you look much slim. And on the other hand if you are a bulky person and used large bag it will make you appear much bulky. It means that handbags do improve our personality but when chosen without proper research then they could worsen our personality.
Nowadays there are varieties of bags available in market, which are made in different- different type of fabric and also available in different sizes. But eco friendly bags are much good in comparison to the others fabric bags. The reason behind that is they are more attractive and stylist and also not harmful for the environment. When we use an eco friendly hand bag they provide an internal satisfaction to us that we are doing something good for our environment.
Eco friendly handbags enhance our personality and also save environment. As we know Plastics bags are very harmful for our environment because plastic does not destroy easily and if we avoid plastic bags we can save environment. The other types of bags are made with leather or fabric and some of them with animal’s skin. These bags are not environment friendly.