We all know how wrinkles can reduce the beauty of one’s face. The main factor involved in wrinkles is the aging process. Skin loses its elasticity and moisture as age grows and that leads to wrinkles appearing on the face. Some other factors also involved in causing wrinkles on the face are like smoke, stress, sun light, pollution, unhealthy lifestyle etc.
Fortunately, it is possible to prevent wrinkles and have smooth and firm skin for a long period of time. Yet you cannot completely put off the skin aging process, but we can do a lot of things that might lessen the wrinkles that will appear on the skin.
Here are some simple home remedies which will help you to prevent wrinkles on the skin.
- Eat a balanced diet including fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grain foods, seeds and nuts and drink plenty of water every day.
- Massage your face with coconut or olive oil every night. It is also very effective and natural cure for wrinkles.
- Take few slices of pineapple and gently rub your face. Leave it off for 5 minutes. Then wash off with cold water. It gives your skin a refreshing glow and also helps you to prevent wrinkles.
- Apply a piece of ripe papaya on your face and leave it for 10-15 minutes before rinsing it off. It cleans the face and removes wrinkles.
- Honey work as a natural moisturizer for skin. Applying honey as a face mask will also keep your skin soft and keep away the wrinkles.
- Take one cup of sugarcane juice and add one teaspoon of turmeric powder to it. It will help you to remove wrinkles. For better results apply it regularly.
- The area below the eyes is affected with wrinkles in most cases. To prevent it, apply egg’s white into this area and allow it to dry then wash it off.
- Use of alcohol, caffeine and cigarettes is also one of the main reasons for the wrinkles. So try to avoid them. They cause dry skin which helps to the development of wrinkles.
These tips will help you to remove wrinkles naturally. As you know natural treatments don’t have any harmful side effects.