If we properly maintain our nails then it adds more beauty to our hands. If they look beautiful then our hands will look beautiful too. Women do a lot of work in a whole day which involves use of hands. The more use of hands means the more use of nails. As we take care of hands, in the same way we should take care of nails too.
Some tips related to nail care are mentioned below:
– If there are chances that your hands have to be in contact of water or some chemicals for a long time, than you should wear rubber gloves. Keeping hands submerged in water or chemicals will make the nail dry, brittle and they will loose their shine too.
– Your diet should include food items which are rich in vitamins, proteins, calcium and zinc. Calcium and zinc will help to increase the strength of nails and thus they won’t break easily. Include nuts, eggs, oatmeals, grains, citrus fruits, onions, fish, broccoli etc in the diet.
– Drink plenty of water as it helps to improve the condition of nails. Also drinking juices daily will provide the body sufficient nutrients, which will help in making the nails strong and will also maintain their condition.
– Doing a manicure once a week is acceptable as while doing manicure nails are being massaged properly. Massaging your body helps to maintain its condition and so in the same way if nails are massaged with some good moisturizer then their condition will remain good.
– Whenever you remove the nail polish, it is advised to wait for two days and then apply some other nail polish. Exposure to air is necessary for nails.
– Don’t ever cut down the cuticles as this increases the probability of getting a nail infection. Instead push back your cuticles with a pusher.
– If you want to increase the strength of your nails, than you should soak them in olive oil or vinegar daily.
– As chemicals are bad for the body, chemicals are bad for nails too. Attaching artificial nails include chemicals and glue which are bad for the nails. Strength of nails decreases, they become brittle and there are chances of getting an infection when you have removed the artificial nails.
Your nails will shine and look beautiful if you maintain their condition properly. Along with the above tips always keep in mind that you should not bit your nails with teeth. This will damage their look. It is advisable to consider the above tips while taking care of your nails. Pretty nails with pretty hands will make you more beautiful.