Retro time hairstyles were unique in their own way. According to length of hair, different hairstyles were styled. There were many hairstyles, which became popular in 60’s. One of them was known after name of a successful model/actress. Others became popular as the celebrities at that time portrayed that hairstyle and looked very beautiful. While some came in demand because of their easy style and as they didn’t require much styling time.
Here are those hairstyles which were popular in 1960s:
Bouffant Hairstyle – This hairstyle was in much demand in early 60s. This hairstyle creates an illusion of having thick hair. While styling hair for this hairstyle, some hair is collected on the top of hair while the remaining ones hang down. Almost all women considered doing this hairstyle on every occasion. Doing this hairstyle is difficult and so initially women had to go to salon but later on they began doing it at home. Rollers and driers are used during styling of hair.
Beehive Hairstyle – This hairstyle is next version of bouffant hairstyle. As it is in bouffant hairstyle, this hairstyle also consists of tying the hair much higher than what is in bouffant hairstyle. This hairstyle gives a look of beehive. Solution of water and sugar or hairspray is applied on hair to get beehive look. The women who wanted to tie up their hair higher used to go with this hairstyle.
Dynel Hairstyle – This hairstyle became famous around late 60s. During those days, dynel hair or wig was available in markets. Women would buy those and give them for coloring according to their preferences. In most cases wig was colored according to the wearer’s natural hair color. Women then used to fix this wig on their head using hairpins.
Flip Hairstyle – This hairstyle came in picture around late 1960. Bouffant hairstyle was famous at that time but women got tired of it as it took much time for styling and also was not easy to handle. They wanted some hairstyle which could be fixed in much lesser time. Thus, Flip Hairstyle came into picture. Hairs at the tips are curled up. Women at that time used to put simple and colorful headband for more effective look.
Bob Hairstyle – Women in 60s were tired of sitting in salons for hours to get their hair fixed. They wished for some hairstyle, which they could carry at work or some party or at home. The result of this hairstyle was short hair usually till jaw length and a fringe. This hairstyle gave women, a boyish look. Chinese bob style, pageboy style are some types of bob hairstyle.